Is Emergent emerging for ministers or parishoners?Recently I have been doing a lot of thinking about the purpose of emergent. Or better, I was contemplating why I want to be involved in Emergent. I have been listening closely to the rhetoric that some of my friends use to bolster the need for the emergent movement. From what I have heard, most people contend that Emergent exists to share the Gospel with people who are so utterly opposed to expressions of both liberal mainline denominations and the evangelical project that they can not go to church as it now exists. This sounds good, but I can't help but wonder, if Emergent exists more to meet the needs of ministers who are disgruntled with traditional expressions of church than to reach the lost. Amidst both denominational and church conflict, the rigmarole of ordination requirements, demands by ecclesiastical bodies that ministers sign their professions of faith, etc, I am discouraged. As a senior seminary student I frequently ask myself, "Will there be a place for me to minister when I graduate? And even if there is, would I be happy serving there?" Are Emergent ministers trying to substantiate the creation of an environment in which we feel more comfortable?One of my professors, Dr. James Charlesworth, made a profound statement in class today. He said that over half of the students who graduate from Princeton Seminary will not serve churches when they graduate. Of those students that will, 1/3 of them will quit within three years. Charlesworth attributed this to the radical disconnect between what we are taught in seminary and what is expected of us in traditional ministries. He informed us that we are being trained to be theologians, but most churches will demand that we chair building committees five nights a week, spend twenty hours per week doing hospital and home visitation, get involved in the community and still preach a dynamic and powerful sermon at least once a week. Most of what happens in the church, my professor argued, should be handled by people with MBAs not MDivs! As a result many pastors leave the church to become Walmart managers or business executives. Those who know me are well aware that I have a strong desire to share the Gospel with the lost and work diligently to disciple and equip the saints. In today's understanding of Church, especially the models espoused by those influenced by the Willow Creek and Saddleback empires, I fear that I would not fit in. I am not suggesting that Emergent be either for postmoderns seeking a church or for postmodern pastors seeking a flock. I just thought that I should be honest about what is at stake for me in Emergent. I'm wondering if this sentiment resontates with anyone else? posted by Jake at 12/15/2004 06:05:00 PM 0 Comments: |
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