Emergapalooza 2008?Last week I had the privilege of meeting with many emerging leaders from the Emergent National Coordinating Group (ENCG). We met in sunny Minneapolis thanks to the hospitality of Solomon’s Porch. We drank, we laughed, we voiced our hopes, dreams and concerns for Emergent Village, and we strategized. One of the topics that Tony introduced was that of some kind of national gathering during Memorial Day weekend 2008. This proposed venue would not only replace the Emergent Conventions but; hopefully, supersede them. We were unified in our resolve to meet but somewhat dissonant on the shape and scope of said venue.The conversation took form under the leadership of Lilly Lewin and Mark Scandrette. Their passion for this event was palpable and they shared their vision with us all. Lilly and Mark (and I think Tony as well, though as the facilitator, he did not weigh-in heavy handedly) envision a venue similar to Greenbelt (minus the Brits), Burning Man (minus the debauchery), or Lollapalooza (minus the big-name performers) for our 2008 gathering. The suggestion was to meet in a huge pasture in the middle of the country (Kansas City was suggested) and pitch our tents, or find a nearby hotel, and celebrate the generative friendship we call Emergent Village. Unfortunately, having never been to an outdoor festival like this, I was not much help to the conversation. As others started to share their input, consensus diminished. Some on the ENCG shared that we typically don’t travel across the country to merely hang out, although many acknowledged the benefits of this. I know that I typically travel to learn something that I want to know more about or lead something that I already know a little about. Although I share some hippieish sensibilities, I questioned the efficacy of such a gathering. I’m an idea-o-phile … what else can I say? The questions, for me, are both philosophical and practical. Would such an event sufficiently replace the void left by the discontinued Emergent Conventions? Would people really commit the time and financial resources to make such an event a success? What would success look like for such an amorphous gathering? One bit of reality that was brought up several times last week was that the cultural creative/artist constitutes a minority of the population. Most people prefer structure, schedules and predictability. The Emergent Conventions of the past seemed to cater to the majority. The Glorietta Gathering has tended to serve the commune-o-philes. So the caveat for many of us invited to participate in the ENCG is that when we get together we house a disproportionate number of cultural creatives. Whom are we striving to reach with such a gathering? Will this allow our generative friendship to grow or diminish? Will this provide sufficient room for Emergent neophytes to merge into the conversation, or might they feel disconnected? Would this venue be mainly for those already ensconced under the emergent umbrella? Can such a gathering be multifaceted? How? Feel free to weigh-in on this discussion. posted by Jake at 6/22/2006 10:09:00 PM 1 Comments: |
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Thanks for an honest posting. Given the fluid nature of emergent, trying to find an event for everyone is probably going to be impossible. How about a variety of events, a frestival of events over a year, as well as one in one place?