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Friday, April 27, 2007

.bE Service

Last night we hosted an alt.worship experience at Grandma Luke's Bakery in Little Five Points. The service was entitled, "What do I love when I love my God?" In the spirit of Pete Rollins and Jack Caputo, we put Augustine into conversation with deconstructionist philosophers and apophatic mystics. It was loads of fun for a religion nerd like myself to work on the content for this venue.
I worked with my friend and uber-blogger, Adam, on this project. Adam designed the aesthetic elements of the service and together we transformed ideas into stations. Thanks to Sarah, Gareth, Johnny and Eric for helping with the set up!

We had a bunch of visitors at this event, which was fun, as well as many dear friends. Once I get a chance, I'll post up all of the content and more pictures from this event. Peace.

Permalink posted by Jake at 4/27/2007 01:36:00 PM

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

On living close to the airport… and not flying to Philadelphia

Well, it’s six o’clock in the morning and I’m sitting in the terminal waiting for my flight to Philly for the WWJD? conversation. I hear you: Jake, weren’t you supposed to fly out yesterday? Well, since you are asking, yes, I was. However, Airtran decided that they needed to cancel my flight yesterday and the next available flight wasn’t until 7 AM today. But wait a minute; you are probably asking yourself, does that mean you had to leave the airport yesterday when your flight was canceled and then return at this God-awful hour, going through the oh so pleasant TSA rigmarole? Yep. It’s been loads of fun.

So the moral of this story is that you should live close to the airport. I only live 10 minutes from the Atlanta airport, which makes a big difference when something like this happens.

But there is another moral to this story: do whatever you can to avoid the Philadelphia airport. I have had more problems with flights in and out of Philly than all of my other bad flight experiences put together … times ten! That makes the prospects of doing further study at this school, which is over an hour from the airport, ominous. With any luck I’ll be at the Emergent Philosophical Conversation by mid-morning. (But I still have to jump through all of the rental car hoops)

Permalink posted by Jake at 4/18/2007 09:22:00 AM

Monday, April 16, 2007

A Blogger with a Baby

Alright. So I've been rather slack in my blog posts over the past ten weeks. I could tell you about how busy I've been at work these past days, or about all of the joys and new duties that have come with fatherhood... but those are just excuses. I've been reflecting upon my blogging hiatus this morning and I've come up with a few reasons why I have minimized my posts.

1. It's not because I haven't been thinking. My brain did not take a vacation once Taylor was born. Quite the contrary. Having a new baby in the house has brought my whole world under erasure. Being a father has sent me on an journey inward: reflecting, pondering, questioning, about this new corner I've turned in my life. But I'm still thinking.

2. It's not because I have not been reading. Like most of you, my blogging buddies, I enjoy writing about books I'm reading. I've recently read some of the most exciting books that I've read in years. In all honesty, though, I've been reading in preparation for this event and this event, both of which require preparatory reading. But I'm still reading.

3. I'm still asking questions. That's what being a 'theofragen' is all about, right? Asking substantive questions about God? I've been leading or co-leading many events over the past few months which have generated many questions about God, church, and culture. Some have come as a result of my preparation for these events; others from the questions posed by the participants. But I'm still asking questions.

So what gives? Why haven't I been blogging?

The only answer I can come up with is that I'm exhausted. The late-night diaper changes, the early morning bottle feedings, and the over-achiever in me that wants to be the best father I can be, all have taken their toll on me. It is one think to think thoughts, read books, or ask questions. It's quite another thing to turn them into a blog post. No sleep = no blogging.

But we have turned a corner in the Myers's household. Taylor is mostly sleeping through the night, so the sleep deprivation has abated, for the time being (although I'm told that teething will present a whole new set of problems). So, I'm back. I'm going to share my thoughts, reading-reflections, and questions with you all once again. Thanks for your patience. Peace.

Permalink posted by Jake at 4/16/2007 08:52:00 AM

Monday, April 02, 2007

Alt Worship in Little Five Points

At Trinitas, we profess four core values: Think. Pray. Serve. Be. We are bringing all of these aspects of our community together for an open alternative worship experience we call .Be.

The gathering will provide participants an opportunity to reflect, pray, worship, and experience the presence of God in community. The gathering will be held at Grandma Luke's Bakery and Cafe in Little Five Points from 7-9 PM on Thursday, April 26th.

If you find yourself in the Atlanta area and would like to be a part of this alternative worship experience, you are all welcome. Grace and peace.

Permalink posted by Jake at 4/02/2007 08:51:00 AM

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Amahoro Africa-Day One
Amahoro Africa
I love being a daddy
.bE Service
On living close to the airport… and not flying to ...
A Blogger with a Baby
Alt Worship in Little Five Points
Easter and the Lost Tomb of Jesus

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