Saturday, January 08, 2005
Campolo on Emergent
Baptist's Today just put out a commentary by Tony Campolo on Emergent. You can read it here. Let me know what ya'll think about his assessment. Props to my buddy Eric for the tip.
posted by Jake at 1/08/2005 11:15:00 AM
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Eric, here are my thoughts about Campolo's article:
I don't like his understanding of "progressive evangelicalism". He seems to be describing Emergent minded Christians as evangelicals who are pissed off with the Church. To some degree this is true, many evangelicals and post-evangelicals have found some sense of sanctity within Emergent due to a bad denominational taste in their mouth. But to suggest that this is what separates Emergent from traditional evangelicals is reductionistic.
Campolo is right to note that Emergent is intentional about returning to many of the practices of the early church. This seems due partly to frustration with ecclesiastical politics but it is more of a reaction against the individualistic narcissim that is promulgated in so many mega-churches. Emergent is attempting to restore a sense of Christian community (which is itself a return to the conditions of the Palestinian Jesus Movement).
Campolo is right to note Emergent's emphasis on social justice, yet I wish he would have noted that this is moderated with personal witness. We are reacting to the bifurcation of the get-em-saved mentality of evangelical missions and the get-em-fed mentality espoused by mainliners. The Gospel presents both--life transforming liberation (both socially and spiritually) coupled with meeting people's immediate needs. I appreciate Campolo's assessment that Emergent churches are markedly different from non-denominational mega-churches.
I don't like the way in which Campolo reduces differences in worship to a "disdain for the contemporary worship movement heard in many mega-churches". This is true, but it is not the whole truth. Because many Emergers are Gen-Xers, we have a disdain for co-opting Jesus and marketing worship that goes on in many churches. We are fed up with the consumer driven mentality of a good bit of contemporary "worship". It is true that many Emergent churches express what Northern Baptist Seminary professor Robert Webber calls "Ancient-Future Worship". That does not mean that all Emergent churches will house Gregorian chant and incense, some will though. We are trying to ascertain what helps people connect with God in our post-colonial world.
I am vehemently oppossed to Campolo's assertion that "The Emergent Church is somewhat indifferent to theological and social issues that seem urgent to mainstream evangelicals." In my experience, which, granted is in a PTS context, Emergent folks are far more socially concerned and theologically adept than their evangelical counterparts. I would check out the theoblogy, SCJ Today and harbinger links on my blog to see some great theological and social reflection.
Campolo is right about his soteriological assesment of Emergent. Many, if not all of us, believe that God is the one who will handle the admissions tickets at the gates of heaven. This demurs from the foundationalist epistemology of many evangelicals who feel the need to serve as God's bouncers, ready to boot out the "pagans".
We do see care for the environment as being important for Christians to become more involved in.
There is a hightened emphasis on serious spriritual masters, like Teresa of Avila, Nouwen and Merton. This is due partly to their absolute exclusion in evangelical circles and partly to the heightened emphasis on spirituality among postmoderns. I am not sure about faith-healing services.
Those are my initial reactions to Campolo's article. I hope that helps. Peace.
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sorry, my computer was screwing up and so it posted my comments so many times.