Ruth 3: Reflections (2:1-23)(Nicolas Poussin, L'été ou Ruth et Booz, 1660-1664)In today's lesson we watched as Ruth and Boaz make their first encounter in Boaz's field. More artists have chosen to paint this scene from the Ruth book than any other. Why do you think that is? An interesting thing to observe in these artistic renderings of the narrative is the characterization of Boaz and Ruth. Some pictures emphasize Ruth's utter dependence upon Boaz's magnanimity by showing her prostrating herself before Boaz. Other portrayals show Ruth standing, boldly. Which do you think is the better depiction? (Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Ruth in Boaz's Field, 1828) We mentioned that both Ruth and Boaz are depicted in relation to their hesed (loving kindness/compassion) they show for another in need. How do think that their hesed may be indicative of the Lord's? We need to work hard to make sure that we recognize the abundance of Boaz's compassion. Do you think that God treats us the same way? What about people (Christian and non-Christian) who are living in abject poverty around the world? Does God provide for them less? Does God care for them less? As we attempt to get our minds around the unfathomable blessing that Ruth has been to Naomi, and here Boaz to Ruth, let us consider ways that we too can work towards meeting the needs of those in want. What might this look like in our church? in our community? You can click on the pictures to see them enlarged. Peace. posted by Jake at 1/15/2005 10:40:00 AM 0 Comments: |
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