Introducing Hermeneutics (Part 2)Here is the second of three installments on the historical/theological/philosophical development of hermeneutics that I promised. If you missed the first post you can read it here. Again, the purpose of this discussion is to offer a broad overview of hermeneutics to family and friends who may not be familiar with the technical aspects of my posts against inerrancy and other difficult topics. In these posts I am breaking my own blogging rules in that I am writing way too much and that I am being very broad (a thing that makes one suseptible to charges of essentialism or reductionism). Nevertheless, I hope that this helps to explain my understanding of how we interpret the Bible today.In this post I think it would be helpful to recount the development of philosophical hermeneutics because the philosophical works of such noted philosophers as Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Heidegger, and Gadamer (I will deal with Ricoeur and Habermas some other time) have greatly impacted the way in which theologians and biblical scholars interpret the Bible (whether they wish to admit it or not). You might be wondering why I would want to tell you about philosphers when you are concerned with how to interpret the Bible. I'm glad you asked. Philosophy and theology have long been allied fields--significant developments in one impact the other. So, by recounting the controbutions of each of these philosophers to the field of interpreting texts we will be in a better place to understand why later theologians will make the moves that they do in their method of interpreting the Bible. Continue... posted by Jake at 2/25/2005 02:44:00 PM 0 Comments: |
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