Tuesday, February 08, 2005
There are many things that happen in this world that I do not understand. Maybe some of you can help me with this one! Peace.
posted by Jake at 2/08/2005 05:11:00 PM
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I'd guess it's an eBay ploy. I can just imagine what rabid Welsh fans will bid for the souvenirs once he posts them online. The big question -- will they come as a set, or be sold individually?
What kind of man would do such a thing???
thats really amazing..i love college football as much as anyone but that has never crossed my mind...
I feel sorry for the poor sap who had his file photo pulled to run with that story, as if he's the one!
Take a look back at his expression. Anguished victory? Seemingly appropriate -- especially since the photo is cropped from the waist up!
I think he did it to get mentioned on Theofragen.
Paul would be proud (Gal 5:12)!
Maybe Jesus, too (Mt 18:8-9)!