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Thursday, March 24, 2005

That's Okay...Emergent is not for you anyway;)

My buddy Mark just posted some thoughts on the latest Southern Baptist response to the Emergent Church. The article is indicative of many similar cases in which charges are brought against Emergent that are so broad-brush that they are easibly negligible. For instance, the article reads: "Carson asserts that some Emerging Church leaders are "painfully reductionistic about modernism and the confessional Christianity that forged its way through the modernist period" and that they "give the impression of dismissing" Christianity." My questions are many: which Emerging Church leaders are reductionistic? how are they being reductionistic? how do these Emerging leaders dismiss Christianity? what is so important about the modernist period? etc.

This article is a clear example of modern, evangelical fear that the Emerging Church is going to deconstruct their capitalist market share on the Christian economy. To those espousing such fear, I say "Don't worry, Emergent is not for you anyway!" Many people in the Emergent conversation are trying to rethink Church in our postmodern world and this conversation is going to take place with our without the endorsement of evangelical leaders. If they think that by bashing Emergent they are going to build up their own churches, then by all means, have at it.

Similarly, the article recounts sound bites from our good friend Al Mohler who, in my opinion, nearly always serves as the poster-boy for 'adventures in missing the point'. He writes,
Homosexuality either will or will not be embraced as normative. The church either will or will not accept a radical revisioning of the missionary task. We will either see those who have not come to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as persons to whom we should extend a clear gospel message and a call for decision, or we will simply come alongside them to tell our story as they tell their own.

Emergent will continue to deconstruct such propositionally bifurcated claims but this should not be cause for alarm. Many evangelicals have adopted a retreatist mentality to culture anyway so they can just keep doing what they are doing. As the vitriolic rhetoric of evangelicals like Carson and Mohler continues to rise in pitch, many non-Christians, seekers, and Emergers will just continue to turn down the volume.

BTW: If you are an evangelical Christian reading this blog and you agree with what Carson and Mohler are saying, that is okay. Emergent is not a threat to you. Let me be clear: if you are happy with your propositionally defended faith, with the style of worship at your church, with your authoritarian pastor, with your "Willow-back" mega-church, or with your Christ-against-culture m.o. or any other facet of evangelical Christianity in America, then blessings on you. If you are not, please try reading information for yourself rather than gleaning soundbites from the likes of Carson and Mohler. Peace!

posted by Jake at 3/24/2005 09:14:00 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are happy with your propositionally defended faith, with the style of worship at your church, with your authoritarian pastor, with your "Willow-back" mega-church, and with your Christ-against-culture m.o. or any other facet of evangelical Christianity in America...

Who's painting with a broad brush?

2:49 PM  
Blogger millinerd said...

You'll have to forgive my wife - she has yet to learn to submit to male authority.

6:15 PM  
Blogger Gerald said...

Well said Denise.

Let her run, Millinerd, let her run...

7:15 PM  
Blogger Mrs MooseBerry Pie said...

It would be helpful, at least to this reader, if "Evangelical" was defined. Not in the sense of the sect of Christianity, but in the actual meaning of the word.

11:35 AM  
Blogger matt said...

Speaking as an "evangelical" who finds himself baffled by the vagaries of the "emergent" movement yet annoyed out of his mind by the likes of Mohler, Falwell, et. al., I am not sure if you are presenting a clear alternative to the madness here. It sounds too much like the "right v. left" polarity I am weary of. I understand you are tired of being beaten up by the media savvy "fundamentalists", but making them into a straw man helps no one.

I am not trying to attack you, I am just reminding you that your "emergent" movement will die if it cannot move its dialogue beyond its inner circle of true believers. Don't try to "rally the base", please.

2:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jake, maybe you should go ahead and read Carson's book? He details and documents exhaustively in their own words the "who" that you ask for.

2:08 PM  

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