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Monday, November 14, 2005

Carbon Dating

I graduated from high school in 1997. I recently realized that my high school years--like the blue, puffy shirts of the late seventies--are forever emblazoned with a symbol...the variegated pager. Now I wasn't one of the "cool kids" important enough to own a pager. I think the idea behind the pager, which appeared in myriad colors and styles, is that the pager-bearer is sooo important that their friends need 24 hour access to them. To be honest, that never really made much sense to me. In the age before the ubiquitous cell phone, the pager- bearer was often times forced to find a pay phone to find out who was paging her. I never wanted to do that.

For those of you who are too young to remember, or too old to understand ;), the pager was a veritable status symbol for high schoolers in the late nineties. The pager was a fashion symbol as well. No one wore their pager like business professionals or doctors do today...on their belts. Instead the teenage pager-bearers would tuck the pager in the front pocket of his jeans. Some of you know what I'm talking about.

Alright, don't be ashamed. Who was a teenage pager-bearer in the late nineties?

posted by Jake at 11/14/2005 11:10:00 AM


Blogger mark said...

i never was popular enough to need a pager, but I remember something very important about the whole movement. Before the times in which every person had a cell phone, we guys actually had to call the girl's house to speak to her. That mean the possibility of going through either parent who may or may not be in the best of moods. Then it meant calling back if she wasnt there and trying to time it just right so you didnt have to call back a third time..

but then the beeper came along. and for the lucky ones that had it, you could just beep a girl instead of the intimadating process of going through an actual phone call..made it all the much easier..

one youth minister i knew had special codes his kids could beep him with..meant like "pray for me", etc..different times..


8:25 PM  
Blogger JohnLDrury said...

My friend Kyle had a pager. I only called it once to type in "2112" which is a reference to a Rush album. It was a meaningless page, but he knew it was me (what other 16 year old listened to Rush records then ,or ever?). That's my only pager story.

4:04 PM  

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